Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fathers that lead

I am sure most of you have heard the song Lead Me by Sanctus Real. I heard it for the first time at Crossroads around Father's Day. Since that time, the song has blessed me so many times and helps me to keep a Heavenly focus on how I lead, how I prioritize my time and how I relate with my family. We, as fathers, have such a wonderful opportunity to lead our families, not only by our words, but especially by our actions. The only way we can truly lead is if we are following God's direction. Below is a link to the song on YouTube. I hope this song blesses you as much as it has me.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

September - ECS IMMS Parent Education Video

Below is the link to this month's parent education video regarding setting up a structure for homework. I hope this is helpful.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Congratulations to last year's 8th grade algebra 1 students

This past spring, last year's eighth graders took their end of course assessment (ECA), or graduation requirement test, for Algebra 1 after completing the course. Twenty-nine of the forty-three eighth graders (67.4%) were enrolled in Algebra 1. We are very excited to announce that 100% of our students passed the test with twenty-two earning a score in the pass+ range. These results are possible because of the amazing math teachers at ECS along with the support from the parents. The partnership between the parents and the school is such an intricate part in the educational readiness of the students. Congratulations to those students! We are proud of you!