Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Parent Education - January

This is an exerpt from Reaching Teens in their Natural Habitat by Danny Holland.

Increased Time = Increased Strength (pgs 27-28)
Whatever you look at most will gain strength and eventually be the strongest attraction in your life. Let me give you an example. I used to have a fascination with Jeeps. I loved looking at Jeeps, checking out the modifications Jeep owners made, and even studying the Jeep concept vehicles. I would dream of taking my new Jeep Rubicon top down, wife and kids strapped in, onto the beach and giving its thirty-three-inch B.F. Goodrich Mud Terrain tires a workout as waves crashed around us. You get the picture. The more I dreamed about having a Jeep, the more often Jeeps caught my eye. I noticed every Jeep that passed me even when I was driving on the interstate at seventy-five miles per hour. By allowing Jeeps to repeatedly capture my attention, I unintentionally trained my eye to notice them.
And what captures our attention is not as important as what keeps it. So study and be an expert in whatever keeps your child's attention. It might be something educational and positive. It might even give you a clue as to what your child's purpose is in life. It might be a musical instrument, sport, or civic or church activity. And once you find that captivating item or activity, go out of your way to feed that source of attention.
While I was growing up, my father was the news director of a popular radio station, but he was laid off when the ownership changed. I was a teenager at the time, and suddenly I became interested in playing the bass guitar. I had a cheap one, but I quickly outgrew it. After nearly twenty months, my father had not found a job. But even though money was tight, he made a huge investment in my future by buying me an eighteen-hundred-dollar instrument and a thousand dollars worth of accessories for Christmas. I understand something today that I didn't know then: my father saw my attention and energy being drawn toward something positive, and he fed that source of attention. Even though some might see his purchase as a poor financial decision for a man in his position, he saw my interest as the opportunity of a lifetime. It's been said that the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity, and that is never truer than when it comes to our kids and their interests.

1 comment:

Vi Wickam said...

Excellent post! Feeding our childrens' interests is something that is all to easy to lose track of.
